Customising the Product Detail Page

Product detail pages can show more options than just Price and Description. Find out about some of the options available.

Expanding a basic product page - some additional Product fields explained

Below are indicated some of the additional product options available.

[A]  Subtitle Field 

A second title area to provide additional detail or context to a product

Adding a subtitle

[B]  Rich Text Description area 

An alternate version of adding a plain text description - adding html text to the rich text area will allow the full range of html options / styling / linking etc.

Rich text descriptions

 [C]  Product Options

You can add product options and custom questions to the product detail area

Learn about Product Options

[D]  Promote Related Products 

If you have linked related products there is an option to promote these in the product area.

How to promote related Products

[E] Ratings Plugin / Wishlist Plugin 

Additional functionality can be added by adding plugins available in the ECOMMERCE setup area.

Ratings plugin info Wishlist plugin info

[F] Additional Text area  

You can add freeform text to an area of the product detail page via the MORE TEXT > Additional Text and Photos area.

Adding Free-format text

[G] Product Tabs area  

Each product has a dedicated tab area. Each tab content area can be accessed via the MORE TEXT > Additional Information Tabs area.

There are multiple tab content areas available. Only tabs with content are visible.

Where to add tabbed content Tab display options

Price/Qty formatting examples

Show Price Range (If Available)

Show Price Range if available e.g. selecting a different product size changes the price.

Product Variations multi-buy (add multiple sizes in one go)

Product Variations multi-buy - make all the variations available to be purchased with qty by one buy button click.

Show / set Bulk Qty Discounts

Bulk QTY Discounts, if set in the pricing area, will show in the product detail area.

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